Sunday, March 8, 2009

How I got here.....

I have been a stay at home mother since 1986, when I had my first child. During my years at home, I never watched any daytime television, nor did I ever have the chance to join a book club, or a tennis group. I did all of our yard work, supervised the remodeling of our home, handled all the bills, and I had my own business,in antiques and collectibles.

After both of my children evidenced learning difficulties, I made the decision to home school, and did that from 1993-2000. The antique business went on the back burner. At that time, I was divorced, and began upgrading my skills, and trying various strategies to re-enter the workforce. I first learned how to use a computer,keyboarding, Word, and have continued on from there. Next, I got a real estate appraiser's license, but found no work in that field. I finally took several years of classes in Medical Billing....and now am out there, job hunting, with millions of others who are looking for work! I hope to share some of what I have encountered in the hope that other mothers (and others) can learn from my experiences and tips.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! Just thought I'd check out your blog and this one is very interesting (I haven't read your to you keep up with all of them??)I know exactly what you are going through...I went to school, got my degree but stayed home with my son who has a speech disability. I homeschooled him for a while but just stuck him back in school in Jan. I've also taken Real Estate courses and might get into that next year. Right now I am concentrating on my little home I thought it was interesting that we our lives are so much a like!

